
When is enough enough?


Day 75-77: JUDGES 6-15

It’s really interesting how many different ways the Bible records the accounts of different people.  Some great and horrible examples get very detailed.  Then there are those “fly-over” figures who just get mentioned briefly and then the story moves on.  There were two Judges named Tola & Jair.  The Bible only says that they did their job faithfully.  No great heroic achievements.  They just did their job.  They were faithful to what God called them to do.  The previously mentioned Gideon did great things and some very wicked things.  

If I had to choose, I would rather be known as someone who faithfully served God without any flashiness.  Would you be happy with that?  Would you be happy only being remembered as someone who held their post faithfully?  Is that enough or do you need to be famous?  Lead a world wide ministry?  Have a New York Times best seller?  Be happy with one things, doing your job as a “faithful servant” to the Lord! 

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